Kukulcan | Spanish Language School 3.024 1.387-4.785 1.387-4.971 0-9-4.029-9-9s4.029-9 9-9 9 4.029 9 9c0 1.761-.514 3.398-1.387 4.785l7.387 7.387-2.828 2.828zm-12.172-8c3.859 0 7-3.14 7-7s-3.141-7-7-7-7 3.14-7 7 3.141 7 7 7z"/>


Spanish Camps for Children and Teenagers

The perfect opportunity for learning Spanish while having fun.

Our specialized Spanish language camps for teens and children offer an opportunity to learn Spanish or improve existing Spanish language skills in a fun-filled age-appropriate environment. Here at Kukulcan, we receive children and teens from around the world and work with them to broaden their cultural horizons and language abilities.

As the world evolves into a global economy, the need for bilingual and bicultural people becomes more crucial than ever before. As good parents, we need to adequately prepare our children to better compete in an environment where learning Spanish or being bilingual and bicultural is no longer a luxury but a necessity.

Our Spanish language camp operates separately from our college programs and was developed in close collaboration with Colegio Cuernavacaca (a local elementary, middle & high school) so that non-Mexican students could interact with Mexican students of their own age and grade level. Likewise, it has allowed us to match them to Mexican families with children of similar ages. However, if group accommodations are preferred, participants canbe housed in dorms. Adult supervision is present at all times, as is 24-hour emergency support.

Our camp schedule features a great mix of Spanish language instruction and leisure activities such as basketball, volleyball, soccer, dance and music workshops, as well as arts and crafts. Our experienced staff is well trained in using materials and techniques that are age-appropriate and relate to the interests of each specific age group. Classes are fun and challenge the students to use Spanish in real-life situations. Our teachers have experience working with international students and know how to engage them in the classroom. Our affiliations with American and European universities allow us to prepare high school students for advanced Spanish placement exams.

Our student services director works with you and your students to plan activities and excursions to complement your learning objectives.

We camps that coincide with winter and spring breaks, and we also offer programs in the summer. We can receive you at any time of year, if you are able to travel at other times. We also offer non-credit programs combining language acquisition with cultural exposure and travel. Contact us for more information and we'll help you determine how to best meet the needs of your group.

Our program is offered year round in two or three week sessions. Please contact us for fees and schedule of our Teens & Children Language Camps.
