Kukulcan | Spanish Language School 3.024 1.387-4.785 1.387-4.971 0-9-4.029-9-9s4.029-9 9-9 9 4.029 9 9c0 1.761-.514 3.398-1.387 4.785l7.387 7.387-2.828 2.828zm-12.172-8c3.859 0 7-3.14 7-7s-3.141-7-7-7-7 3.14-7 7 3.141 7 7 7z"/>


Spanish Courses for Group Leaders

We work with you to set up the best Spanish course for your group.

Kukulcan works with you to set up the program you want. Whether you are a teacher bringing students, a professional organizing a trip for your company, or a club member who wants to travel with like-minded people, we can provide you with a Spanish immersion experience that meets your needs. You can stay for any length of time, from two weeks to several months, and you can come at any time of year. Our immersion program allows group participants to build on any existing Spanish they have, or to start learning Spanish in a warm, friendly environment. For groups of 10 or more paying participants, Kukulcan provides free housing for the group leader.


Kukulcan can arrange for home-stays with Mexican families, at local dorms or hotels close to school and price convenient.


Fees are based on your requirements. Please contact us and let us know more about your needs. For example:
